The Sold! and Bones – Full Circle Suicide

The Sold! and Bones – Full Circle Suicide

You may remember we shared The Sold! and Bones and their song "Bored in L.A." late last year. To follow up on the single, the band released their debut full length Full Circle Suicide yesterday, Friday the 13th of October. If you need a refresher, the band consists of Billy Bones (formerly a member of The Skulls" and the full lineup of The Sold! - Easy Lou Jones on vocals and guitars, Charles La Ferrera bass/backing vocals, and Justin McGrath on drums/backing vocals. The album was written and produced in its entirity by Easy Lou Jones, and engineered by Gavin Ross.

Starting with the intro track, "Don't Trust Money", the band has a classic punk sound reminiscent of 80s acts such as Rancid. This is due to the gang vocals, simplistic riffs, and killer solos over a driving drum beat. Already a classic punk album in the making.

Up next, "I'm Right! You're Wrong!" blends in a bit of the signature sound The Sold! has been perfecting for a while - blues punk.

"Don't Shoot" is another classic punk song, and there's no hint of it getting old. I can hear a tad of The Clash showing their influences on the band. I do have to say though, The Sold! and Bones is a much tighter sound band.

Additional highlights on the album include the single "Bored in L.A.", "Me. Not You!", "Just Don't Get It", and the solo track "(Easy Lou's) Bored in L.A. Blues" which is a great toned down blues song to close the album. Overall, I highly recommend that any punk fan gives the album a shot. Full Circle Suicide by The Sold! and Bones is available on Bandcamp, as well as iTunes and Spotify.