Survival Kit – Eats You Alive

Survival Kit – Eats You Alive

Atlanta Pop-Punk band Survival Kit have certainly made their mark with "Eats You Alive".

Right away, their sound grabbed my attention. Anthemic, with cutting guitar lines reminiscent of Billy Talent. I was very impressed with the energy and emotion conveyed throughout the piece. Lyrics such as, "if it were up to me, I wouldn't have any feelings", communicated a sentiment almost everyone has expressed and been able to identify with at one point. I was drawn into the intense and precise performance given by drummer Allen Beck, as well as the musical prowess displayed by their two guitarists and bassist. Each instrument offered strong contributions to what would shape up to be a song charged with bitter heartbreak. The vocals, carried by the powerful instrumental support, were the crown upon the head of this song. The melody flowed smoothly throughout, and the screams delivered in the bridge and outro of the song got me on my feet.

This song's lyrical relevance and musical drive has me beyond excited to see what's in the future for Survival Kit.

Survival Kit - Eats You Alive Song Info

"Eats You Alive" is now available on iTunes, Bandcamp, Spotify, and many other digital outlets.