Mountains To Move – Cotard

Mountains To Move – Cotard

Pessimism and downward spirals, these are the main themes to Mountains To Move new EP, “Cotard”. This EP by the Antwerp based emo-punks deals on dark thoughts and feelings of alienation, written into songs as a cathartic experience. Influenced by their musical peers as Brand New and Citizen, the musical expression swings between punk and emo parts: from hard to melodic. ‘Heart on the sleeve’ songs as “Saint-Joseph's Burden” display the deepest inner feelings of a struggling being coping with life. “Cotard”, the title track, serves as the closure to this introverted EP, with its acoustic guitar play which lets the grim tale end with hope: the hope for more tracks from Mountains To Move as this is definitely their proper path and story to tell.

- David Marote